Core drilling services are conducted the world over for a great number of reasons. Primarily used in construction and engineering, it requires specialised tools and knowledge of the materials it is being done on. Modern human life is fraught with worries over the state of our available natural resources such as natural gas and oil, which stands to reason that those industries involved in producing, storing and using them, need to be able to sample the quality of these substances with as little disturbance as possible. How do these industries do this? Through core sampling.
Core Sampling and Core Drilling
In order to conduct core sampling, a core drill needs to be used to make a cylindrical hole in the object that is being sampled. These samples can then be used to gain a better understanding of the resources being dealt with, and is primarily used to determine whether a particular area is rich in such resources.
These core samples are generally removed during the initial drilling phase, this extraction can be used to determine the resource’s conductivity amongst other things. This conductivity, otherwise known as the resources anisotropy, is generally taken as a sign of the presence of large amounts of oil in a geological formation, making core sampling an important task for finding and extracting further resources.
Core sampling also ensures that the particular formation remains in-tact, in only taking a slight sample from it. Should the formation need to be tested again at a later stage, core drilling services allow this to happen by keeping them preserved.
Contact Borecut for Core Drilling Services You can Rely On
Core drilling is a specialised and important service. When having it done, it is best to use a company that you know has the experience and skillset to do it properly, safely and thoroughly. If you would like to know more about our offers on core drilling services, be sure to contact a representative from Borecut today, or visit our website for additional details on our offers.