To stay ahead in any industry, a business needs to be able to offer diversity, quality and value to all of its products and services. This is a notion that our team at Borecut cc have understood throughout our years of doing business in the concrete cutting and drilling industry.
Because of this, we have, over the years, diversified our core drilling services to ensure that we offer our clients the exact solutions they need.
Let’s take a closer look at them here:
Core Drilling
At the epicentre of our services is core drilling, which is an umbrella for a number of variant services.
These include electric, which is ideal for smaller holes; hydraulic, for holes up to 1000mm; as well as angle, vertical and horizontal core drilling.
Floor Sawing
Using locally made diamond tipped blades and imported saws, we offer specialised floor sawing services that make use of vastly powerful flat-saws. These offer one of the most efficient and effective means of cutting floor slabs that are up to 520mm in thickness.
Wall Sawing
With a track mounted saw that offers precision when cutting wall slabs, our wall sawing services can tackle slabs of up to 520mm in thickness. Since this method uses diamond-tipped saw blades and produces minimal vibrations, the end result is always optimal.
Wire Sawing
Wire sawing offers unprecedented accuracy when sawing through concrete slabs. Using a power-loop, this method allows you to cut through concrete of exceptionally large sizes.
Contact Borecut cc for Further Details
If you would like to know more about our offers on specialised core drilling and concrete cutting services, be sure to get into contact with a representative from Borecut cc today, or visit our website for additional details.